I am NOT a photographer, well at least not a working pro, and I never have been. I’m just a guy that likes to shoot, edit and save in a hard drive. I’m based in Atlanta with my wife of 34 years and two daughters who I’m extremely proud of. Our older one got married to an awesome boy who loves golf and recently we are blessed with our first grandson who is a bundle of joy to the whole family. Let’s talk a bit on my past that got me hooked into photography. Growing up in a small Indian town, my childhood nurtured a strong bond with nature. Though travelling was scarce in those days, my parents presented me with Encyclopedia Britannica on my birthday, igniting curiosity. As I matured, I recognized the importance of balance within nature’s elements: plants, animals, and more. Inspired by Dian Fossey’s work in high school, I became passionate about wildlife conservation, upholding the inherent dignity and right to life of all animals.