A trip to Machu Pichhu was always on my bucket list. I added a few nights in the Amazon, the journey starts from Iquitos, the northern part of Peru which is only accessible by air or water. A three hours ride on a speed boat from Iquitos took us into the deep jungle of Amazon. I made the plan complete with one added night at Lima exploring the longest histories of civilization. I had a Nikon D610 with two Nikkor lenses 70-300 and 24-85, that covered both landscape and animals.
Geographically Peru is situated in an area that supports an astonishing marine life. Thanks to the Humboldt Current, it flows northward along the west coast of South America from the southern tip of Chile to northern Peru, carrying a nutrient rich environment that supports the world’s largest fishery in Peru. It was perhaps the reason that a very early settlement of human civilization was established here. Archeological evidence shows that Huallamarca settlers came here in 1800 – 2000 BC, different kinds of shells and shrimps were their most common diet. Inca settlers came in 1450 AD before the arrival of Spanish settlers. We visited the great adobe and clay pyramid Huaca Pucllana in Lima, built from seven staggered platforms. Mummies and other artefacts are recovered from the pyramid and preserved in the museum.
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